Everything is coming together for success!
02/14 Port Placement/ROUND ONE
Don’t worry, we celebrated Valentine’s Day one day early!

Chronologically, The First Hero, Tammy at Anderson Family Cancer InstituteAll of her scheduling allowed for the first dose of chemo to happen same day as port placement!! (And she was creative!)
Arrival JMC Feb 14, 7:30am Anderson Cancer Center with my driver and Second Hero of the day, husband Andy, to sneak in pre-chemo bloodwork PRIOR to arrival across the parking lot at Jupiter Medical Center for Port placement at 8:00am.

Third Hero Ashley, RN in interventional radiology! 8:00 arrival was for a 10:00am port placement. She understood my need to get back to the cancer center for chemo timely! She looped them in on my actual timing and confirmed I would get treatment whatever time I arrived. She busted a move to get everything moving quickly. Ashley talked me thru reducing my sedation so I could recover faster and quickly became my right hand girl and friend!

Fourth Hero of the day, Dr Cofnas, interventional radiology. We can’t say enough great things! He eased my mind about reducing the sedation, successfully inserted my port with the smallest possible scar, sense of humor, speaks sarcasm, and fast friend. It’s always fun and comforting to meet a kindred spirit.

Andy and I traipsed back across the parking lot so I could receive chemo the same day, #1 of 6. Hero handoff to brother Kris, Fifth Hero who stayed during my treatment and kept all caregivers, especially my favorite art therapist and Sixth Hero Megan, on their toes. (Honorable mention to Amber, my chemo nurse whose pic I don’t know how I didn’t get)

As expected I had an allergic type reaction to the chemo, irinotecan. My eye lids were twitching and lip getting tingly. We stopped briefly. Added an IV of Benadryl and forged on! The final component of my chemo cocktail of the day is called 5FU and it is administered slowly in a pump you wear home for two days. Near treatment end, friend Joann Williams, Seventh Hero, arrived to stay for the finale and to drive me home .

Friday, 2/16 I returned solo to Anderson to have my now empty pump disconnected and to receive two hours of fluids. This is a MUST if you want to feel halfway decent. Following “disconnect” I receive a shot called Neulasta which works by helping your body make white blood cells, which can then reduce the risk of infection during chemotherapy. Fun fact it has a side effect of bone pain for days and days, no Beuno.
Eighth Hero, Paula Jimenez, not only my Fab & Fun Friend but my friend, popped over during my disconnect and brought me the most delicious lunch! I had never tried PHO! It was wonderful!

Two weeks off and we start then we start all over again!!
Ninth HERO, my mother, Lori, picked me up around 11AM to drive me back to Anderson Family Cancer to start the whole party all over again! My nurse for the day was Tenth Hero, Paige. She had been my nurse many times during the first battle and it is always comforting to have a friendly face!

Eleventh Hero, Meg Wilkes, met my mom and I at the center with tuna subs, an assortment of goodies, and a feel good story! The subs were from what we now know is my Twelfth Hero, Jersey Mikes Abacoa. My taste buds are all over the place right now and I truly only wanted a tuna sub with no onions with red wine vinegar on the side. Meg was on mission!She called all around town only to be told that onions were already mixed in. A little discouraged by the time she had Jersey Mike’s on the phone she simply told them I have a friend who has cancer and is getting chemo and this is the one thing she wants. They said no problem that they would make it for her/me. Upon arrival they would not allow her to pay! So special and so appreciated! Please consider eating there if you are hungry and need a great sub!They are located in the Publix plaza on Donald Ross and Military.

Back for “disconnect “ of the 5FU pump, two hours of fluids, a little bonus steroids , and my Neulasta shot. Trusty Eleventh Hero, Meg Wilkes came again to be with me and bring dark chocolates! What a blessing she is. A visit from Fab and Fun Friend, Erica Frickel, rounded out the day! Two rounds complete
Overall the chemo has not been as kind to me this go. I chalk it up to not having the same body I started with last time (minus half of my original liver, sigmoid colon, and gallbladder). Most days are filled with consistent nausea and/or a sour stomach. Some days have bone pain from the Neulasta shot and I’ve been overall a little tired. While my immune system is compromised by the chemo, I am mostly avoiding large crowds, especially indoors but occasionally take a chance. If you know me, I can’t sit still too long! I’m pushing forward, working full time, and trying to keep our life as normal as possible. I can still meet for all things fun outdoors!
Chemo #3 starts on 3/12.
Please know that each of you are a hero to me! I appreciate everything! Your Prayers, hugs, texts, emails, friendship, food drops, positive energy, cards, spa dates, and gift cards! You all amaze me with your kindness and support! I am so grateful.
For those that continue to ask me what they can do, keep praying for a complete recovery!! It can happen!! Get your own colonoscopy!!! This is preventable! Please don’t wait!!
(For those insisting on something tangible, gift cards to Amazon for my daily supplements or Gas Cards for Costco or Racetrac for our trips to Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa are very helpful.)
Sending healing prayers your way!
You are truly an inspiration as you go through this again with grace and humor
I can help drive you, hang out, pick up food if you need 💪💪💪💪
Angela, I always amazed at what you’re going though and how you ‘go through it’. But your stopping by during my mother’s shiva the day of the funeral arms full of food, flowers and love blew me away. Your thoughtfulness and love shines through in all you do. Love you girl ❤️❤️. Stay strong. Prayers sent your way.
Sending prayers your way. Thank you for taking the time to educate us on what you are going through. You write with humor in the midst of such a difficult time and show such respect for all of your Heros. God Bless you and your family 🙏🙏🙏
Always sending Healing Love & Light 💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏
Always on my mind and in my prayers!!!! You will beat this, Angela!!! We are all in awe of your bravery!!
I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You will win this battle again, and then we will all rejoice with you!
Thinking and sending good thoughts your way.
Sending prayers and hugs to you through this trial.
Writing all this now is appreciated since I am so far away. I will try to share it to someone that I think might get it to more people to help them.
Angela it makes me sad that you are going through this ordeal and keeping your chin up through it all. You are our hero and inspiration and a fighter to me. My prayers are heading your way for a complete recovery and good health again.
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts continue to come your way, You are a fighter and you will win this fight. 💙🙏😘
Sending more prayers, hugs, and positive energy. We love you, keep fighting!!
Praying without ceasing. 🩵