Successful surgery! All visible cancer was removed, including bonus uterus! It was adhered to the previous anastomosis (area of bowel resection)which had cancer on it.
Post op day #1 and I am up and walking! q
Look! No hands! lol

My pain is well controlled with an epidural. However, I’m having an allergic reaction to either the dilauded in my epidural or chlorhexadine used to clean the skin for surgery. I’m super itchy despite the Benadryl! 😬 Right now I prefer itchy to pain!
Prayers for a cancer free continued recovery! All removed parts are at pathology to confirm or deny areas with cancer. In total I believe they completed a lower abdomen peritoneumectomy, removed omentum, removed area of original bowel resection with adhered uterus, and removed remaining right ovary. All in all, no major surprises!
No ostomy bag, No Nasogastric tube, just one small drain and a VERY long scar ! So amazing!
Love to all! 💕💕
Sitting here in NC awaiting news Angela and it’s a joy to see your smiling face. Great news to hear about a successful surgery and looking forward to more good news updates! Much love! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wow! What a trooper you are! And what an amazing medical group ! Continued
Prayers !
Great news!!!!! 🙏🙏
Yes, so amazing, you’re amazing!!🥂 cheers to an amazing, and pain free or low pain recovery. ❤️🩹
You are amazing! Thoughts, prayers, hugs, and healing energy to you💕
Wow! Thank God and your surgical team for this great news. Keep the progress coming. We will keep the prayers coming too!
So happy to hear that. you sure are a warrior. continued prayers and quick healing
So so happy for you!
How awesome 👍 Angela.. sending many 🙏 your way for a speedy recovery.. you are amazing 😘
We all Love you Angela. I know God will continue to help you fight, and give you the strength to make a full recovery. You are amazing and an inspiration to all of us.
So happy
Happy the operation was a success. You are always in my prayers.
Great news! Praying big time!
Best news ever. So happy for you. You are amazing. ❌⭕️
The best news!!! It’s fantastic to see you up and moving! ❤️💕❤️
I have been at Anderson since 10am and just got home. I was thinking about you. I am so glad to see you up and so far success. God is holding onto you. AMEN!
I’ve been anxiously awaiting to hear the good news and that is the best news ever !!!
You are SUPER WOMAN !!!!! Congratulations to your amazing medical team and to you for always being so strong and positive. You are so incredibly inspirational.
Fabulous !!!
A true blessing! Glory Be To God
The picture makes my heart sing❤️🎶
God is listening!!! Continued prayers and miracles!!!!
Angela prayers from The Gator Girls
🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 you have been placed on our prayer list at our church stay positive and girl you got this 💪🏻
Good news! You Rock!
Best news in the world. This is the way to end August! Way to go, Angela!
That’s amazing news and great to hear. I’m glad you’re on the great road of recovery. ❤️🩹. Blessings were with you and the doctors in their hands 🙌
Ah-mazing!! So very happy to hear this news. You are a warrior Angela!
Cheers to continuing to kick cancer’s ass! Awesome news. Love you long time.
The best news ever. You are quite a miracle. Praying for all good reports to come back & for a speedy recovery. 💗
So glad your surgery went well, Angela! You look great, up and around on your feet already. I hope your recovery goes as well!
Talk about best case scenario! So happy for you. Now take your time to recover slowly. We are all cheering you on! ❤️
Good to receive update! Love you!
Super good news & sending positive thoughts & prayers. You got this Angela! Praying 🙏🏻 for your continued healing ❤️🩹
Such wonderful news! Prayers continue for a cancer free recovery free of pain. You are amazing! Love seeing your smile. Thanks so much for the updates. Much love💕💕💕
Our prayers + your strength = complete recovery .🙏🏻❤️🩹 Congratulations on this wonderful news and continued healing. God bless you, your family, and medical team, 💐 🌈💝
Our prayers + your strength = complete recovery .🙏🏻❤️🩹 , 💐 🌈💝
What a joy to see your beautiful smile! Your strength amazes me. I will continue to pray for your healing. 🙏💙😘
That is such great news! Continued prayers.
OMG! The best news ever and love love love this picture! Thank you God for looking over our amazing, strong, beautiful friend
So happy for the good news!!!! God is truly with you in every aspect. May he continue to bless you throughout your healing. We love you and you’re in our prayers!!💕💕🙏🙏
Woo hoo!! You look awesome!!So proud of you! God is good!!
Great news Angela. You are a rock star. 🙏🙏❤️🩹🙏🙏
The best news and continued prayers! 💗💗💗💗
You are such a warrior! You are bringing smiles to everyone who looks at this picture. Keep the faith my “bad axx bestie”. We love you and we are so proud of your strength on this journey. Make sure to let your medical team know how much we appreciate them💕
Great news! I had to read the post twice because I thought you were getting ready to go into surgery and you’re already recovering. How do you look so good!!😊
Keep staying positive, that’s the key!! Continued prayers for your complete healing!
Great to see you on your feet! Pushing forward and onward at every moment! Praise God for your surgeons , no bag is good news.
Prayers are answered!!!!!! Sooooo happy for you and your family!!! And noooo ostomy bag!!!! They are not fun!!! Prayers continuing for an uneventful recovery!!!!!
Thanks to God for taking such good care of you, Angela. . Praying for good news with all of the pathology reports. I will continue to keep you in my prayers for complete healing asap. Hang in there You’re doing so great!!! ❤️