Drove to Tampa last night with my trusty sidekicks, Mom and Andy.

Not so good dinner at Longhorn and a leaky bathroom ceiling at Embassy Suites and subsequent room change at 1:30am rounded out our night.

We met with the Peritoneal Surgeon, Dr Dineen and his Fellow, Dr. Strong. After much discussion we left with a plan. I will do 3 months of chemo, Folfiri, and then have new scans. If the cancer is smaller or even the same we will operate to clear the three areas. (With chemo alone there is 18-24 months life expectancy. With Surgery adds more time. Chance of Reoccurrence after a successful surgery 80% chance.

SOOOO while this is TOTAL shit news, what I hear is that 20 people out of 100 don’t have a reoccurrence in five years. Make it to and thru surgery, then why can’t this be me? #GOALS
I’m not going to lie. I am WICKED mad that this is ultimately the result of COVID and elective procedures being cancelled in early 2020 which included my colonoscopy. It’s completely ridiculous that colonoscopies and Mammograms were stopped. They are NOT elective!
Get YOUR colonoscopy!!!
It can save your life!!
Finally, So hard for me to answer but I do thank those of you that keep asking. “What can I do for you?” Seems like an easy question. Perhaps If I wasn’t so independent. Right now, I feel good and will continue to live as normal as possible. I will be reducing stress and adding in as many fun times and adventures as arise. For those still determined, most helpful I guess would be gas cards for the many trips to Tampa/Moffitt, Amazon GC for all of the supplements I take daily, and I won’t say no to fun times, hugs, and spa/massage gift cards (great idea Paula J)! Those are great stress reducers, right?lol Most important please continue to lift me and my family up in Prayer. Please pray for complete healing!
Love to all
Love you Angela! Cab and I continue to pray for you and your family 🙏
Angela you are always in my prayers. I know with your plan, determination and support you will be one of those 20/100 people! Keep smiling and I’d be happy to help in any capacity I can!
Yes that can be you – you’ll make it through 💪💪💪💪💪
You’ve always been a fighter and you’ve always had the most amazing attitude and that’s what is going to get you through to surgery and beyond. That, incredible army behind you. 💪❤️💪❤️💪❤️
Hi Angela, I am praying for you every day for full recovery. I love the photo of your two sidekicks — Lorraine and Andy. What a blessing they are! Keep sending the updates because they show us how to pray and how to share this journey with you. I’m in NC if you want to take one of your fun adventures here! Sending much love your way!
Love your positive outlook here! Cheers to 20%! Stay strong. Sending my love and prayers!
I will pray daily for you
Angela you are truly amazing!! I am praying very hard for you!! You have a wonderful supportive family!!
Best Wishes,
Joel Freilich
This absolutely will be you. I’m going to keep praying and my daily mantra of “Angela will be healed”.
We know you and know with your perseverance and determination, you will prevail❤️❤️
You are strong and fearless…I admire you! Your positive outlook and determination have always put you in a class by yourself. You got this! Continued prayers and support for you and your family. You have a team behind you, supporting and cheering for you!
God has this sista!! You got this!! Show them all you can do it and beat the shit out of this cancer. Love you hugs to you
Yes, you are going to be one of those 20/100!!! God is in control and prayer and positive thinking are powerful! Our family will continue to lift you up in prayer.
If there is anyone with enough determination and grit to overcome this latest obstacle, it’s you! We’ll do our part with prayers and lots of love!! You got this!!! ❤️
You will be the 20% ! Prayers for your continued strength and perseverance❤️❤️🙏🙏
Angela, you got this! You are one of the strongest and most determined women I know and I know you will continue to fight this awful fight with all your might . 💪🏼 My thoughts and prayers are always with you and your family. ❤️😘🙏 cancer sucks!
Love you girl. 💙
You can do it, Angela!
Hi Angela so sorry for the news. I think of you often, and will keep you all in my prayers. Hope to be home by the summer and would love to get together. My phone is on all the time. Miss you! Big hugs!!! If anyone can do this, it’s you.
Angela, This is not great news. Sadly, the struggle continues. But keep your head high as best as you can. Positivity is a healer and you have an army of praying people backing you. Let’s meet somewhere sunny by the water soon for more fun times.
Bernie & I are praying for you & you sure have awesome sidekicks! Have known your mom for 40 years, & our son was her real estate assistant as he launched his real estate career. We agree about the Covid lockdowns!!! Hopefully you can get on nat’l TV & radio & tell your story to make sure No More! The Riley Gaines of patients’ rights, so ” routine” scans never halted again! Thousands (millions?) following you can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE! Rick Scott & Marco Rubio, Brian Mast & all the rest. I think Trump would give you a platform. He initiated “Right To Try” experimental drugs! Local channels with national affiliates. Would be happy to help! You ARE AMAZING & we are confident you will not only survive this unwelcome development, but will thrive & be heard! New medical breakthroughs every day & with AI, will come even faster! And with your voice of experience, important “routine” scans will NEVER BE DENIED AGAIN!
You and your family are in my prayers!! Prayers for 20% 🙏. You got this 💪
Angela – you are one tough chick .
Sending you positive thoughts .
Can you send me your address.
Keep your faith. You will be the 20%. I pray for you everyday and will continue to pray for you. ❤️🙏
Sending you Healing Love & Light Always 💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏 Jamie
Sending my love , light and prayers 💕🌞🙏 I didn’t want to pry but you’ve been in my thoughts so much! I’m glad I can be added on this voyage.
Praying for my very strong and brave friend. Praying that your medical team is given the knowledge and skill to beat up on this! The strength of prayer is limitless.
So sorry your having to go thru this. You have a loving family and many friends here to give you support. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
Much love and prayers for you Angela and for your wonderful family . You’re in my thoughts xoxo 😘 ❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🤞🏼
I am so sorry to read this!
I will be praying for you consistently.
You are such a strong woman that has easily conquered every trial and tribulation that has ever come your way. I have no doubt that this time will be no different. If there’s anything that I can do other than pray, please let me know.
God Bless You My Beautiful Friend ♥️♥️♥️
Angela you are always in my daily prayers. Your positive energy and spirit, along with the lovev coming from those that love you, will help you through this new difficult journey !
Hey woman,
Do you have Venmo or Zelle? I can just send you a gas money, coffee, a nice lunch, money toward a spa day.
Let me know!!!! I am praying really hard!
Won’t stop lifting you up!! Praying for healing and strength!!
Always praying for you Angela. Your a fighter and your positive outlook has been an inspiration to us all.
Prayers to you and your continued strength in your faith, and fight, here’s two beating those odds! Will look for you on your continued adventures for fun and stress reducers in the sun Lots of prayers to you . You got this and if you ever need anything,or even someone to hang with , reach out. Love u
Angela, what’s bunch of horse shit! What’s your Venmo? That’s a long haul to Moffit!