Andy and I arrived in Tampa the night before. We stayed again at Noel McDonnell’s condo. She is a gem for being so generous! A quick ten minute ride to Moffitt!

First on the agenda, CT scans of the Thorax, Abdomen, and Pelvis. Staff at the UDI center at Moffitt we’re extremely kind. I shared thanksgiving masks with them. They were excited and promptly put them on! Sorry no pic, but rest assured they looked super cute!
We took a shuttle ride back to the main building where next up was bloodwork. This went quickly (thanks to UDI nurse leaving my IV in) which left us time for a lunch break. We navigated the obstacle course to the cafeteria and tried to relax for a little while. Hard to do with the anticipation of my scan results!!
Andy and I arrived early to my first MD appointment with liver surgeon, Dr Anaya. His clinic was running 45 minutes behind! What did I do? Took a nap in the waiting room! Why not? I’ve lost my filter for such things, lol. Sorry, again no pic!

Our turn finally arrived and the visit was packed full of information. Honestly, we are still processing much of it. Not a candidate for surgery today, like we had hoped:-( But, the tumors again shrunk further and there were zero new ones. 🙂 The bottom line recommendation was to have four more rounds of chemo in hopes that the second largest tumor would pull further away from two veins.

What does this mean?!? Please continue to pray and support me and my family! The road is long and we need each and every one of you! Thank you so much for being here for us. It means the world!
(Now go get your colonoscopy!)
Much love,
Angela 💕
Thinking of you! Sending lots of prayers. Great news in no new tumors and some shrinking! Love ya girl! Stay strong!!!!
This news makes me so happy!!!! Praying everyday 🙏🙏🙏 You are amazing and strong. January 7th is when Kevin and I go. XOXO we will continue to pray 🙏 🙏
Prayers and love your way my fighting friend! Glad to hear no new tumors! You got this! ❤️🩹
So glad the tumors shrunk and there are no new ones! Praying the two shrink away from the veins in Jesus name we pray 🙏Amen
Oh that’s great news and I’m praying it continues to shrink so you can get the surgery over with
I love your positive spirit, and your shoes 👟 🤣
Angela, many, many prayers for all to go in your favor !! I hope that you and your family know that there are so many praying for you and your family. Stay strong !!
I pray that your tumors continue to shrink and you reach the ultimate healing goal!!
So grateful that your path continues to be positive..
God Bless you & keep you…
There is power in numbers!!!
You are most definitely in my daily prayers..
Much love & healing ..
Praying for continued shrinkage of the tumors ( that they would disappear) and that the one would move away from the veins ( and disappear) . Much love and continued prayers for you and your family!!
Continuing to lift you up in prayer for complete healing!
I asked Dr. Rosenberg about a colonoscopy for me. My last one was in 2014 with Dr. Chakravorty. Dr. R. said, that’s risky (might puncture the colon) let’s do other tests first. Blood test – slight anemia. Why? Let’s chase that down, first.
Thx for the advice, Angela. Best wishes!!!!!
Angela ,
Stay strong and positive! Praying for this next 4 rounds to be it , to shrink that tumor enough!! You are in my daily prayers and hugs out to you and your family ! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💖
Prayers are out!
Sorry it wasn’t the exact news you wanted, but it is still great news. You’ve got this!
Am continuing to pray for you as you navigate through your voyage. This was not exactly what you hoped for, but it was positive! Thanks for sharing! 🙏🙏🙏
So much prayers and love to you and Andy on your path to absolute healing!!! 🤗😘🥰
I am sorry surgery is not your immediate future , but I am thrilled the tumors have shrunk and there are no new ones!!! I continue to pray for you!!!!
You got this!!!!!
This is great and positive news! I’m so proud of how you are handling things and still being a light to others through the process. You are amazing and will beat this!
Big hugs!
God is good!! Let’s keep praying for a complete healing! Love you
Great news nonetheless to hear. Keep on the fight and I and the rest of will cheer u on. 🙂
It’s truthfully good news! Lots of prayers for your healing are coming from Wisconsin. You will beat this! God is good!
You guys are not alone in this journey. Constant thoughts and prayers. Love you both!
Sorry you couldn’t have surgery like you wanted (yet, anyway), but no new tumors is great news! Hang in there, Angela! Praying for even better news next time.
Keeping you in my prays , much love . Chip up , YOU got this ❣️❣️❣️❣️
The shoes are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. and so are you. My thoughts are with you and your family every day and are specifically focused on comfort, love, light, and healing. Your bravery in sharing your story will save lives. Love to you and your entire family.
I am sorry you couldn’t have the surgery but so happy to hear the tumors are shrinking. Continuing to keep you in our prayers.
Sending lots of prayers and love your way!
Continuing to pray for you Angela. Keep the positive spirits alive. Through the precious blood of Jesus Christ you can be healed!!
Ugh .. not the news we all had hoped for – but great to hear there’s progress and a path forward. Thank you for sharing the updates and your journey. You’ve got a great attitude, a fighting spirit, and a great network of prayer warriors (and a hot pair of kicks!!). Keep smiling!! You’ve got this.
Angela, I’m so happy to hear that your tumors are shrinking. It’s amazing that you are progressing so well. Praying for surgery for you soon!!