June 7, 2021 was the day I learned my CEA tumor marker was 178 (normal is 3 or less). June 10, 2021 was the day the results of my Liver biopsy confirmed I had colon cancer, Stage 4 with metastasis to the Liver to be exact. Not sure which date my cancerversary is but regardless…
Breaking Out!
April 04, 2022 After six days and five nights, I have been discharged following my sigmoidectomy and surprise removal of left ovary and Fallopian tube!! It’s always good to break out of the hospital!! There’s never any real rest while you are in there! 🤪 I won’t bore everyone with too many details. I had…
Big Day with One Surprise
March 30, 2022 Not much sleep for me (due to bowel prep 😬💩), we were up and out around 4:45AM. Arrived at the Gold Valet at Moffitt Cancer Center on Magnolia Drive by 5:00AM! Not as glamorous as it sounds, lol. 😎 Preop went with ease. Met with Dr. Zemp who would be placing the stent in…
Dr Felder, my colon surgeon called. All good news! No surprises on the CT scans of my chest, abdomen, and pelvis. I said I was looking for good surprises! He replies that no new cancer on a scan IS a good surprise 🤪! He could see the colon tumor (I’m still praying it’s dead and…
Is it Happening too Fast or too Slow??
I’m really not sure! It’s interesting how this whirlwind feels both ways at once!I finally have my CT scans scheduled for March 23rd back at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. As you know, this feels like too slow! (I expected them on March 3rd!) That same day, I am also scheduled to have blood work…
Better Than Expected
I spent much of last week on calls and sending emails dealing with my insurance company who didn’t think my scans were medically necessary!!! You heard me right! You can imagine how I have been feeling. The primary cancer/tumor is still in my colon! What’s wrong with these people?! Are they trying to kill me??…
Success (2/3rds there)
First post op appointment was today (post op day 11). We arrive at Moffitt Cancer Center and are greeted by my Cancer Buddy, Steve Jordan and his beautiful wife Cheryl! What a treat to see familiar faces. So thankful for their friendship. 😊 Blood work goes quick and then on to see Dr Anaya! Such great…
Liver Resection/Ablation
Thursday, February 03,2022We (Andy and I) arrived promptly at 5am to the surgical check in at Moffitt Cancer Center. We were both nervous and excited. 😬They brought us back to the preop holding area where you do some additional cleansing and donning of your surgical gown and those wonderful hospital grippy socks. I don’t remember…
All Good !!
Angela is out of surgery, liver resection a success! She is resting comfortably in her room . Thank you everyone for your prayers and uplifting messages.