Arrive at the Gold Valet bright and early, just in time for blood work. (Gold Valet, such a fancy name I think for something not so fancy). My mom and Andy camp out in the waiting room while off I go. I have the nurse draw blood from my port since I am due for my port flush anyway only to learn that one test must be drawn peripherally. Oh well, at least my port was flushed and output was good even if I still have to get stuck on my arm. The little things no longer bother you. Once a pin cushion, you expect to remain a pin cushion.
I finish labs quickly and off we go to the third floor for CT scans. Today they are doing a three phase scan of everything, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. I’m injected with lovely contrast that gives you a crazy warm feeling which travels quickly down your body into your pelvis and gives you the sensation that you are peeing yourself even though you don’t. Luckily, it resolves as quickly as it spreads and before you know it the scan is over.

Traverse our way to the cafeteria since I have been fasting for my blood work and scans. They make fresh to order bacon egg and cheese on croissant. It was lovely.
The day is going quick and we head back in and up to check in to see Dr Anaya for my 6+ month liver surgery up. They bring us to my room and tell us he is running 1.5 hours behind. So we start camping out. Just as we get comfy, Dr Anaya surprises us with an early visit and EXCELLENT news. He tries to shake my hand but we have a big hug and smiles instead. Scans and reports are back. No new cancer in my liver. The liver has grown and looks healthy. Blood work is good. Dr Anaya says “it doesn’t get better than this”. I ask what about my colon, does this mean also no new cancer in my colon. He says, “No new Cancer!”

Quietly behind our conversation and scrolling thru CT images of my liver before and after, my mom and Andy tear up. It is happy news. The BEST news! I will continue to scan and follow up but for today, I am cancer free! Somebody pinch me!

Thank you to everyone who has treated me, touched me in the process, stood by my side, quietly rooted for me, supported me and prayed for me! It all matters and it all counts. It works and I am proof! Love to you all! 💕💕
We continue to pray that the cancer never returns (which is a high probability especially for the liver. Most come to this visit and a new tumor is showing up), the neuropathy on my hands and feet someday resolves, and that everyone gets their colonoscopy and doesn’t have to go thru this! 🙏🏻
Great News Angela you are a fighter and you won the battle! God is watching over you. Thank you Jeasus!
Great News Angela I am thrilled that your test came out great! God is watching over you. Thank you Jeasus!
Brings tears to my eyes reading this amazing news! So HAPPY to read your are cancer free 🌞
So so grateful to God that our prayers have been answered! You look great! Hopefully we can get together for lunch some day soon. Love from Sally and me 😍🥰😘
Name the time and place! Would love to see you! 😘
That’s my Girl . Never doubted your determination and Gods grace for a minute. Wonderful Wonderful news.
Hope to see you soon .
THE BEST NEWS !! much love and prayers for you and your family ❤️❤️❤️
Great news! Congratulations!
I am so proud of you. I love you, and Andy, for always being there for you.
Love, Mom
What exciting, wonderful news!! Nothing like hearing CANCER FREE!!! I’m so happy for you- I’m doing the happy dance too 💕
Fantastic news! I am so happy for you! Stay healthy!!!!
Glory be to God!!! Hallelujah! We are happy for you and your family 😘😘🙌🙌🙌