I’m open and willing to try anything that will improve my mindset and my health!
October 7 was my first time, I received acupuncture at Hong’s Acupuncture Healthcare Center. It was amazing!! It was complete with aroma therapy, cupping, red light, and acupuncture. I’m hooked and have been going every week.
Chemo #8 was more of the same followed by extra side effects. I’m having constant nausea, some ringing in my ears, and electrical waves down my spine out thru my Legg’s and feet whenever I put my chin to my chest (Lhermitte’s syndrome). These are in addition to the host of others. Taking all of this into account we planned to remove Oxaliplatin from my cocktail. I am hopeful this week for less side effects without losing a key component for tumor shrinkage. Please pray for my complete healing!

Chemo #9
I was able to start my day later (due to removing the one drug) which was great. This allowed me to take my mom to her morning cardiologist appointment. (She recently fell out of bed and has a subdural hematoma). Then from my house brother Kris picked us up (with his one arm, other is in a sling from rotator cuff surgery) and drove us to Anderson Cancer Center here in Jupiter. Mom was able to stay with me. We handed out chocolate covered pretzels to the staff (as if they didn’t already live us enough already) Chemo went well. We were both able to sleep a little bit. Then Nikki Promades drove us both home with a smile.
The evening was topped off with my current favorite organic oatmeal for a quiet dinner with my love, Andy. Yes oatmeal.
Tomorrow is not promised. Keep making each day great. Get your colonoscopy. Nothing makes me happier than hearing this and that my predicament may somehow help another.
❌⭕️❌ you are brave and thank you for sharing your journey. Thinking of you so very often. Love you
You are truly amazing!!! XOXO
Thank you for the update. 💗🤗
Keep going, Angela. You’re the bomb!
Slowly it’s been such positive news despite the miserable side affects. Your attitude and approach to life are so admirable ! I have faith that the bad stuff will be in the past soon and health & happiness is in your future! Looking forward to “sunrise with Angela” this month and many more to come! Keep inspiring everyone you meet – keep us posted with all the good news!!
Sending warm thoughts and prayers.
So Happy to hear that you are receiving positive results..♥️♥️
You are truly an inspiration to us all and I know that sharing your journey has helped
so many others who are going though health issues to think positive, & never stop fighting!!
I pray that the side effects lessen each & every day!!!
God Bless You Angela!!♥️♥️♥️
Angela – you are such a trooper. Great progress, great updates, and grateful that you’re still moving in the direction of complete healing. Wishing you strength and the very best possible outcome. Hoping that we get the chance to get together and have laughs soon.
Thank you for your transparency as you share your journey. OMG I LOVE acupuncture! . Hope it gives you some relief and feel good time. Sorry to hear about your mom hope she heals quickly.
With the prayers of recovery for you, I also pray for your continued courage and daily endeavors. I know I can’t imagine what you’re really going through, but I pray and hope and wish that you pass each day of this journey through cancer and it becomes a closer trek to the end— FULL RECOVERY!!!!!🥰😘❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Angela for update. My Colonoscopy is scheduled for November 10th. Was going to skip this year but after your experience decided to get er done. We will be back line dancing before you know it. God bless. Your in my prayers.
You are such an amazing person! I know you will have a full recovery. I pray your journey will be quick ❤️❤️❤️ Think of you often ❤️🙏🏻😘
Hi Angela,
I’m so happy you’ve discovered acupuncture. I agree it is so awesome. I’ve been doing it for close to 20 years. Cranial Sacral Therapy is also amazing. Coupled with chiropractic, the three therapies are very complimentary. Praying for your continued healing. Many blessings to you and your family.
You are truly amazing Angela! Know that you are in my daily prayers.
Prayers can move mountains. Your positive attitude , strength and the love of your family are beautiful medicines for your recovery.
Wow! You are impressive and your strength is amazing. I concur that the power of acupuncture in addition the western medicine is a powerful and needed composition. Keep standing up for yourself and know that your tribe around you is here to support you. #seehealth #staystrong
You are truly an inspiration not only to me but to all of your many friends. Stay strong, think positive and believe ! Thank you for your updates. You are a true trooper ! Xoxox. Janet
You got this girl! You are strong and loved by many❤️🙏🏻
You are handling this journey with beautiful grace and spirit. Praying for you daily
You are doing great! Continued prayers from Sneads for you and your family!
You and your family are in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers that you will all overcome the challenges that have been thrown your way.
It sounds like you are dealing with so much complexity on all fronts! Glad to hear the alternative therapies are helping. Full speed ahead to healing. ❤️
Praying for you, Angela, for exactly what you requested… Complete healing and recovery! Hoping that is God’s will for your life! Hang in there! 🙏🏼💗🙏🏼
You are a first class woman! Thanks for the update, sending my prayers to you and your family.
Hearing your words about the discomfort and effects of the chemo, keep my prayers strong for your comfort and strength. You are one inspirational woman. Xoxo
You are an amazing woman. Thank you for sharing your journey with such grace and positivity. You and your entire family are in my prayers. Stay strong.
TY Jodee
Love you tata, you look amazing <3 can't wait to see you soon in December! Besos
Always the beautiful Angela xo we love and miss all being together. A boating date for sure !! Will call you this week to catch up and get it planned . Our love and best wishes to You . 🥰🥰🥰💗
Love you Queen Angela.